
Howdy friends and welcome to my website, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to visit. I am currently rebuilding the site and recovering much info that was lost recently. Please bear with me as I add the information back in along with new material and re-create the site. I hope to have a map of the re-districted 13th soon. Thank you for visiting and I hope to meet you in person sometime soon.


Tom Dent represents the 13th District and is running for reelection. Representative Dent was sworn into office in 2015 and his dedication to public service continues to be evident to the residents of Lincoln, Kittitas, Grant and Yakima counties in Washington State.

Representative Dent states, “We are in unprecedented times recovering from the pandemic and all the negative as a result. There is real fear looming around a recession, reduced access to public education, homelessness, food security, and wildfires. My legislative priorities were formulated from actively listening to the community over the last several years and I am dedicated to fulfilling my legislative responsibilities.”


“Understanding the needs and concerns of my voting constituents helps me to be an effective legislator.


His legislative priorities include:

1) providing enhancements to early education and human services to reduce learning gaps amongst our most sensitive populations
2) maintaining and developing our water resources, agriculture infrastructure and supporting our ag producers.
3) Improving the health of our forests and rangelands to prevent costly catastrophic wildfires.
4) Transportation infrastructure

“This is not the time to make plans we cannot implement. As your representative, I pledge to work across the aisle to avoid stagnation in legislative decision-making because frankly, party politics will only get in the way to our immediate need to adapt to change quickly and form public-private partnerships to increase trade, construct necessary water supply infrastructure, and ensure food is available and accessible to all” says Representative Dent.

He further states “I genuinely care about providing a safe and positive environment for young people, especially as they rebound from the isolation and uncertainty as a result of COVID-19 mandates; we must find opportunities for their success”.

Representative Dent currently serves as the ranking member on the Rural Development, Ag and Natural Resources Committee, and on the Transportation committee and Human Services and Early Learning Committee. He also serves on several special legislative committees and caucuses.

To learn more about Tom Dent and his experience as the 13th District representative visit his website at https://tomdent.houserepublicans.wa.gov/


Re-Elect Tom Dent – State Representative District 13 – Washington State

If you have any questions about Tom and his campaign or need something, please contact us here at the Re-Election Committee.

Committee To Re-Elect Tom Dent

601 S. Pioneer Way, Suite F, Box 396

Moses Lake, WA 98837

Use the email address: tomdentcommittee@gmail.com

If you would like to leave an endorsement for Tom Dent as your State Representative, please send your written endorsement letter to us, using the email address above.

Thank you.